Monday, December 7, 2009

What is God's Way?

God's Way is taught in His Word which we call The Holy Bible. It is neither added to nor detracted from that which is written in the books of the Bible. God is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow.

Many denominations of Christians have authored their own religious volumes to augment the Bible. The Word of God needs neither help nor explanation from man. The Bible is written in such a way even a child can read and understand what is written. It is our duty to learn God's Word and employ it's code of ethics and morality.

Problems arise when we try to read between the lines of the Bible. Scripture twisting, comprised of a variety of tactics, tries to bend God's Word into what we want it to say. Every verse should be interpreted in light of it's whole context within the chapter/book; not necessarily as a single sentence/paragraph.

I believe the Bible is the Holy Spirit inspired Word of God and as such is infallible. At the very least the morals and ethical commands adhered to for thousands of years yield better citizens for the most part.

Yes some folks did twist scripture to inflict vicious crimes on others. However, the majority of the people and societies who adhered strictly to God's Word were the light of the world as they were chosen to be. They were happy and obedient to God.

If everyone would follow the laws God laid down eons ago, we would not have a degenerating society worldwide. Our streets have become warzones in drug trafficing and use. Children are being raised by grandparents and great-grandparents because the parents are either strung out or in jail. Many kids are being raised by strangers in the social services system because there are no fit relatives to provide for them.

I don't blame all the worlds ills on drugs. The drug thing is one more symptom of the problem. The problem being that people want to deny God's existence, as well as His commandments. They want to do whatever makes them feel good.

Drugs, including overuse of alcohol, only postpones the problem an individual may feel they have. Further, it compounds the problem by dulling inhibitions leading the individual to sin which often results in more little people who are exposed to drugs and often have brain damage.

It is said to ignore the past binds one to repeat histories mistakes. In every society which God has allowed to be destroyed, certain trends appear almost in the same order: the break up of the family unit, adulteries in a myriad of forms, and the resultant societal degeneration.

How close is the United States to destruction? We must return to God's Way immediately or be obliterated as the Romans, Persians et al before us. Our educational sytems must teach Godly morals and ethics from pre-school to grad school. Most everyone knows the Ten Commandments even if they are not Christians. Rarely has anyone commented they are not useful but the same folks refuse to adhere to them.


  1. In the United States’ early history, the Bible was a textbook in our public as well as private schools. We are, after all, a nation born of (and FOR) the right to religious freedom-one nation UNDER God. Not only Biblical history was taught but MORALS according to GOD. The Ten Commandments were considered the most important of all the commands related to us in the Bible. They were taught to children in grammar school, at church and at HOME. Compared to our era, crime was virtually non-existent.
    Seeing that God hath determined that his Church here in earth shall be taught not by angels but by men; and seeing that men are born ignorant of all godliness, and seeing also [that] God now ceaseth to illuminate men miraculously, suddenly changing them, as that he did his Apostles and others in the Primitive Church: of necessity it is that your Honours be most careful for the virtuous education and godly upbringing of the youth of this Realm, if either ye now thirst unfeignedly [for] the advance of Christ's glory, or yet desire the continuance of his benefits to the generation following. For as the youth must succeed to us, so ought we to be careful that they have the knowledge and erudition to profit and comfort that which ought to be most dear to us, to wit, the Church and Spouse of the Lord Jesus. (Dickinson 1949:II, 295ff.)

  2. America:
    In 1642, education laws were set in place throughout the towns to create compulsory education. Other settlers realized without knowing how to read, children would not be able to study the Bible for themselves, stating, "Illiteracy keeps men from knowledge of Scripture." Lawrence A. Cremin "American Education: The Colonial Experience, 1607-1783, first edition, published 1988 New York: Harper & Row.
    America’s education system first emerged as a path to religious salvation but soon flourished into something more. Colonial America relied heavily on education to support their Christian beliefs and the availability of education varied as a result of location, race, gender, and social status. For the most part, education in the New World mirrored standards set forth by England. Educators in the seventeenth century were Christians and considered upper class, possessing the ability to spread knowledge and religious devotion.

  3. It is true girls and the poor (including slaves) were not included in the earliest programs. Smylie explains that America’s first schools were open to the limited public but the costs remained the burden of the parents as modeled after the English system. Cremin also alludes to this. This post is dealing with the validity of teaching morals to young people.
    I am not advocating a return to the simplicity of the 1600’s, although it would be an easy solution to many of today’s problems, such as street kids, pollution and the entire global warming thing. Progress in most of our technology is wonderful but the progression of heathenism is NOT.
    What, exactly is a heathen? It is “an irreligious, uncultured, or uncivilized person” according to Dictionary Reference online. It is “strange or uncivilized” according to Merriam-Webster Online. A person not schooled in moral values certainly qualifies to be called a heathen. They are uncivilized, uncultured and certainly irreligious.

  4. Instead of teaching God’s morals (the Ten Commandments) to children, our school system is teaching the opposite pole. Our schools are not only indoctrinating children in grade school that sex is a need the same as the need to eat and sleep. Not eating or sleeping will send you to the hospital and eventually death if you continue it long enough. No one EVER died from not having sex!
    Further, some of the school systems of today damage the child (both physically and emotionally) and that child’s family relationship by providing access to free birth control and call abortion an “alternative method of birth control”. All of this is offered with absolutely no family input, in other words, without the family’s knowledge. If you or I did something like that we would be jailed for child endangerment. School authorities have taken it upon themselves to usurp parental authority and our medical and court systems are backing them. This is a dangerous development.
    Public schools teach “moral relativism”. By that cliché, they mean one person’s idea of what is right is not necessarily that of another’s. The child is left to determine which more is best for him/her. Kids don’t have the experience or the intellectual capacity to make such a decision. The court system backs the right for the theory to be taught but just try telling a judge, “Well, your Honor, it might not be ok for Janie to kill someone but I think it’s ok for me!” I assure you that will get you the injection or a hangman’s noose depending on the state or country.

  5. Try to post at least one article per week. Some articles leading people to Trinity would be appreciated!

    Johnson C. Philip

  6. Younger generations are moving further and further away from the foundations of the USA. This country was founded by Christians for the primary purpose of religious freedom. Perhaps parents of the new generation will consider researching the Bible to return morality to our masses.

    Many parts of the Bible are a ‘primer’ for child rearing. Proverbs 22:6 “Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” (Amplified Version) The entire chapter of Proverbs 22 tells us the way to live righteously. Of course there are many places in the Bible teaching morals and ethics.

    In 2 Timothy 2:15 we are admonished to study the Word well to present ourselves to God and the world as well grounded in our faith and commitment. Studying the Bible makes us better parents-better people and affords us a textbook on parenting among a variety of other subjects. “15Study and be eager and do your utmost to present yourself to God approved (tested by trial), a workman who has no cause to be ashamed, correctly analyzing and accurately dividing [rightly handling and skillfully teaching] the Word of Truth.” (Amplified Bible, courtesy Bible Gateway Online)
    It stands within reason if we don’t know the textbook, we cannot teach its contents. Many people are overwhelmed when it comes to the Bible. The version may be the problem. Many congregations use the King James Version which employs old English grammar and vocabulary. Newer versions of the Bible use grammar and vocabulary which is more contemporary such as the Amplified Bible or the New International Version. The New King James Version is not as old fashioned as the KJV but still can be a bit tricky for a novice.

  7. Part 2
    There is no requirement to be a Christian to read a Bible. Bibles are available everywhere. You can find a Bible in every hotel room, every library as well as every church. Any church member you ask will usually be more than happy to present you with a Bible with no strings attached. There are many Bible versions available free of charge on line. The is one such place which allows a person to check a verse, do a word search, and search for scripture by topic or passage lookup. They have a variety of Bible versions for scripture comparison. Bible Gateway also has sound if you learn better in that mode.
    There are also many Christian websites online where one can study the Bible with the help of others who are more familiar with the Bible. There are even graduate study programs for Christians who wish to learn in depth study of the Bible or just wish to have a formal degree such as Trinity Graduate School:
    The “Old Testament” covers the Abrahamic Covenant or what is usually referred to as the “Law”. In it is not only the historical narratives of the Hebrew people but also rules to live our daily lives by. The “New Testament” establishes Jesus’ divinity, and tells us how to share His good news with the world. The New Testament does not replace, nor negate, the Old Testament but fulfils it with the Messiah’s birth and death. Further the New Testament spends a great deal of time telling us how to be and act like good people.
    Be warned reading the Bible may awaken a need in you to know your Creator.

  8. There comes a time when church congregations need to stop teaching the basics and get into the "meat" of God's message.

    There will always be new people coming into the congregation. A seperate class needs to be set up for newcomers. That way the newcomers can be taught the fundamentals of the Christian faith while the members who have heard the fundamentals a dozen times or more can grow in their knowledge of God's Word.

    Their may even come a time when a pastor who has not kept up with his/her study of the Word may become less knowledgeable than some of his/her congregational members. The member doesn't want to leave his or her congregation but become frustrated and possibly bored.

  9. One of the ways to avoid and/or correct this situation is to: study on your own, get a group together to delve more deeply into the Bible, go to Seminary or find a program such as Trinity Graduate Schoo of Apologetics and Theology:

    I have done other programs before but never have I been challenged to work this hard and love it.

    My Pastors taught us well how to rightly divide the Word and how to use concordances and Bible dictionaries to research a specific subject.

    Trinity is challenging us to think deeply with the help of the Holy Spirit to decide what is Biblical and what is not. We also are learning how to author papers and books which demonstrate proof beyong legal requirements to the validity, historicity and infallibility of God's Word.

    Designed for the working person, courses are divided into modules to be completed on your own schedule. We have a closed forum where students can interact and assist each other. All ideas are given respect as not every one is in the same place in his/her walk with God.

  10. Further, TGSAT is designed to accomodate students who are on low budget income worldwide. There is a small registration fee and graduation fees(to cover the expenses of mailing and notorizing transcripts).

    Textbooks are free and available on download to registered students. There are undergrad and grad programs. All of our faculty is extremely well educated and volunteer. Dr. Johnson Philip is our "Principal" which would translate to "President" in USA. He is also the founder of TGSAT and several other schools.

    You can see Dr Philp's academic credits at the main site:

    While you are there, check out the variety of degree programs available and the very low cost of our program. There are some free classes available to anyone on that site for those who wish to learn but not wanting to enroll in a formal program.

  11. My field is Biblical Archaeology which is a sub-division of Middle Eastern Archaeology. I volunteer through our local archaeology society to have practical experience at local digs. Currently our Phonix Chapter is active with lectures from visiting archaeologists, anthropologists et al once a month.

    Once each month we spend a half day shoring up the ancient walls at the "Pueblo Grande" excavation site within the Pueblo Grande Musem enclave. There are many other programs with nearby chapters as well; affording us the luxury of other training at little or no expense.

    However, the degree is just as important for any archaeologist. Perhaps more so because a lot of knowlege has to be incorporated prior to and ongoing while working a site.

    If we are not educated we can still collect artifacts but will not know their significance nor their intrinsic value. We will also not know the importance of collecting methods to protect the heritage in a single sherd or bead.

    Check out TGSAT at


    This is a very significant story. This could be the "test" case that kindles our right to educate our children with Christian traditions and morals.

    Three important facts are given:
    1. Homeschooling is legal in Sweden
    2. No other charges of abuse or neglect were brought against the parents.
    3. The court upheld the social worker/s choice to remove the child from the custody of his parents.

    The family was on an airplane awaiting takeoff to their new home in India. Armed policemen came onboard and took the child into custody.

    The family has only been allowed a few hours with their child since the incident. How can this happen in a western country? It is a scary thought to think this sets a precedent which just might be used to take our right to educate our children the way we see fit in the USA away.

    The HSLDA (Home School Legal Defense Association) is both domestic and international. They represent and fight for our right to educate our kids in a home school situation.

    This family and HSLDA need our prayers and support.

  13. The difference between the public school system and most Christian schools is that we are teaching all our subjects in the light of God's love and how we should emulate, as best we can, that light. The public school system teaches God doesn't count, your parents don't count, no one who disagrees with you counts because what you as an individual think is what really counts. The latter is partially true in that one should be allowed creativity of thought BUT within limits set by God and by the law of the land-as long as the law doesn't break one of God's laws. Further the adult that child will one day grow into needs to know there are limits as to what you can and cannot do in a specific society-including his/her own neighborhood.
    In our neighborhood if one lets the grass turn brown (for example to conserve water consumption) one or more of the neighbors will call the city planning authorities. An officer will come to the house, assess the situation and may even fine the person. Moral relativism fails in this situation as well as many others, because moral relativism implies one can do as they please without concern of consequence or another’s rights.
    I used a silly example but one that happens a lot around here. Promiscuity and abortion are treated in the same manner in public schools of the USA. Although homeschooling by Christian parents is up 78% from last year according to Home School Legal Defense Association records, the majority of Christian kids go to public schools.
    Not one bit of morals is taught in public school as Christians recognize it. Public School in the USA currently is teaching TOLERANCE. Christian kids are taught homosexuality is ok, sexual activity is ok, and their parents are antiquated. If they need birth control see the school nurse. If they need an abortion see the school nurse. In both cases the school nurse is legally authorized to take the student, without the permission or the knowledge of that student's parents, to be dealt with at an appropriate public institution.

  14. Kids are passed through each grade level each year whether they earned the grade or not. This is resulting in students who drop out of high school because they don't have the basic skills needed to be successful in HS. They are learning they don't have to earn anything nor take responsibility for their shortcomings. Why do we expect them to be responsible adults?
    Public school systems (for the most part, gratefully not all of them) allow kids to come to classes wearing articles of clothing which belong in a marriage bedroom and nowhere else. Often the outfits are so scanty and so decadent I have no clue how the young men of the class can concentrate on anything but the amount of body parts showing on any given young "lady". This is a direct result of lack of moral training and self esteem and it is an invitation to sin. Furthermore, who is buying these clothes for the Christian kids? Look around you at the young ladies in church. Christian parents are becoming way too lax, silently consenting to the world.
    I am not suggesting the ugly uniforms we had to wear at our school...Franciscan brown jumper uniforms with matching beanies but schools have a responsibility to develop kids’ minds, rightly. The function of school is education NOT socialization. Appropriate workplace attire would lead to more education and a little less socialization.

    I suspect the dropout rate of pregnant teenage girls is only less than earlier decades (following the free love revolution of the 60's) because of the rise in teenage abortions. The public school system has to take responsibility for the mental breakdown of these girls as they mature and realize what they have done. To date the educational systems of the USA deny they have any such responsibility. Having worked with some of these young women in counseling, I disagree. The atheist view of the school system is not working in the best interest of the student but in what is best for the system.
    If the parents had been consulted I am certain better results would have been achieved in the solution of the "problem" such as adoption or raising the child. Either way, both the young "parents" would understand the consequences of such a profound situation but would not have to deal with the murder of an innocent baby on their conscience for the rest of their lives.
    I would like to say those latter examples are extreme but they are not. They are an everyday occurrence in America. Public schools don't have to mention the name Jesus, the Christ to teach the same moral values that our Father set down millennia ago. Unless the school system returns to the basic truths outlined in the Bible it's only going to get worse. With our prisons overflowing and people waiting in turn to do their "time", people being murdered everyday of the week; it's about time the educational systems of America wake up.

  15. Christian parents also need a wakeup call. Our kids are in danger from the very agencies that are supposed to protect them: schools, courts and parents. Parents are working all the time with little time to even know what their kids are doing. Let's return to a father and mother in the home together (married). Mom taking care of the children as God commanded, dad making the living as God commanded and grandparents helping out is a workable and valuable system. In many cases, the amount of money saved from not having to have 2 vehicles, a 1/2 million dollar residence and the enormous cost of day care will even out the decreased income.
    If you cannot find an affordable or a Bible believing - teaching Christian school, get together with other parents and share knowledge and resources establishing a school of your own ---which is legal in EVERY state of the USA---just find out what the legal parameters are in your state through HSLDA or other associations like it---God told YOU, mom, to train your kids in His ways. God told parents to educate their children and He will hold YOU-NOT the local public school system-accountable!

  16. In the 50's and 60's, high school consisted of 4 academic years of language (including spelling vocabulary, composition and literature), mathematics, social studies and science. In addition a foreign language was required as well as a major area of study apart from the above such as craft classes, media art etc. Students graduated AFTER having taken state examinations; most requiring a minimum grade of 75%. In my home state a HS diploma could be issued with a 65% grade but a state certified HS diploma required at least 75% (NYS Regent’s Diploma).
    Today, many states only require one year of math, 2 years of social studies, one year of science, 2 years of English. This is augmented by several other courses that can be from occupational to academic to fine arts. The inability of these “graduates” to perform on college level should ring a bell for educators. Such a course of study is not adequate for even minimal functionality in a university. Further these students are sent to remedial classes in a community college. Because of this, much economic resource is spent to bring the students to college prep level. Such a program wastes money; double+ money is spent to educate the same student who should have been taught those classes in high school. Remedial classes in college also rob families of even more money as part of the expenses is born by the student’s parents-beyond their school taxes. The student loses one to two years of time in the work force making up what s/he did not get in high school.
    Having said the above, I feel it necessary to give credit where credit is due. Remedial teachers of colleges perform a function critical to their students’ future. Further, remedial college classes are better accepted by young people than they would have been in a high school setting. Although I stand firm that they should NOT be necessary, as a rule, there are some cases where they are a great help. A student who has been out of HS for some time will benefit from the broad review (this includes GI’s who have been overseas for some time), foreign national exchange students who need to sharpen their English skills and might possibly be interested to learn about the social system of America, and immigrants.

  17. However, there are other programs already in place which can do the same thing; adult learning programs through HS, federal citizenship programs, and the GED program available from a variety of sources. Many congregations have presented the GED programs for their members who needed it. Federal funding is available when certain criteria are met.
    A few sites discussing remedial classes in college:
    As parents, it is OUR responsibility to make sure our children are educated. High Schools were founded to educate our children, specifically to prepare them for college and the work force. For a soaring number of students this is NOT happening. Not only are students not being prepped for college adequately, many are not able to communicate effectively enough to fill out job applications. Penmanship is atrocious for the majority of HS graduates; grammar and spelling non-existent. It is time to stop babying our children and demand they perform. Further, we must demand the same of our school system or provide an alternative such as private school or home school.
    Homeowners in most states pay excessive school taxes whether or not they have a child in school. They have the right and the responsibility to call school boards to task. School boards often come across as being THE authority. They are NOT! YOU are! A gentle reminder to the board member they are in public service and can be replaced with someone who will see that your children will receive a good education will work eventually.
    In the mean time while your community is reviving a college preparatory educational program, there are some things you must do. Read with your child; have your child read to you. Buy learning computer games that are fun such as, “Mario teaches Typing”, “Where in the World is Carman San Diego” etc. Monitor your child’s homework assignments! You are not only insuring they are complete but accurate and you have an idea where to supplement his/her school assignments. You WILL meet with resistance, at first, but persevere and you will realize some quality time with your children. There are many online sites to help you do this. One day you will notice your number of “students” will multiply as your child invites friends to come to the study group.

  18. Most importantly you must instill in your child it is their responsibility for their education. This is of utmost importance to be well grounded in your child by the time they enter college. School is legally mandated for children from age 7 to age 16 or 18 (depending on the state of residence and if they are on some state or federal program). However college does NOT fall under legal mandates.
    Most likely your child will want to attend a school far away from your home. S/he must know that they are responsible to do the assignments and to get to class AND do the outside extra work on their own in order to reap full benefit from the course of study. Kids are a lot smarter than we give them credit for. I have heard students tell one another mom knows nothing about what they do in school. That is sad because mom and dad surely should know.

  19. Having alluded to the fact God places responsibility on the parents to educate their children. It is necessary to share those scriptures with you.
    Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it. Proverbs 22:6 KJV

    And thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children, and shalt talk of them when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest down, and when thou risest up. Deuteronomy 6:7 KJV
    Fathers, do not irritate and provoke your children to anger [do not exasperate them to resentment], but rear them [tenderly] in the training and discipline and the counsel and admonition of the Lord. Ephesians 6:4 Amplified
    Only be careful, and watch yourselves closely so that you do not forget the things your eyes have seen or let them slip from your heart as long as you live. Teach them to your children and to their children after them. Deuteronomy 4:9 NIV
    Remember the day you stood before the LORD your God at Horeb, when he said to me, "Assemble the people before me to hear my words so that they may learn to revere me as long as they live in the land and may teach them to their children." Deuteronomy 4:10 NIV
    Each scripture in its context speaks of specific subjects to be taught to children. It is safe to surmise God places the responsibility of children’s religious and otherwise education on the parents. We can use local schools but we have to be involved and ever mindful of WHAT they are being taught.
    My gratitude to Bible Gateway Online for their wonderful program.

  20. All through the Bible from the account of Creation to the end of Revelations the designation of family is a man, his wife/wives and their offspring (their children). Since the Bible IS the Holy Spirit inspired Word of God, it is safe to assume God wants it that way.

    Nowhere in the Bible do we find where there are two women or two men in a relationship granted family status. Although God loves every one of us deeply, He does not condone their sin or mine. It is impossible for two people of the same gender to procreate. One of God’s first commandments to mankind was to procreate and populate the earth. (Genesis chapter 9)

    The above commandment speaks to child-bearing age married couples as well. Dogs and cats perpetuate their species without any help from us. Many couples today are utilizing animals as “children” rather than giving birth or adopting babies.

    Although I love my pets dearly, they cannot function in the capacities my children can. Animals cannot witness to humans of God’s love nor can they tell of the “Good News” Jesus brought to us. They cannot minister to the sick or needy, either, except to provide companionship. They cannot tend to our needs when we become too old to take care of ourselves.

    To break any commandment of God is to sin. Even if the sin is committed in ignorance or by mistake, it IS a sin that requires atonement to be made “right with God”. Our Heavenly Father is a very forgiving God as many places in the Bible attest. We have only to ask Him and turn away from that sin to be forgiven.

  21. Abortion is murder. Today’s young people don’t know this. Schools, agencies and established private institutions promote abortion as a woman’s choice. All of these agencies propagate the lie that the pregnancy is part of a woman’s body.

    Pregnancy takes place within a woman’s body but the child is a separate entity-a separate body. No matter the abortion technique used. The end result is DEATH of the child. Everyone involved in an abortion is responsible to God for a grievous sin.

    Below is a link to how different abortion techniques deal with the infant. Yes it IS an infant. Calling the infant a fetus does not make it any less a small human being. An infant is vulnerable. It is the duty of the adults surrounding an infant to protect it regardless of species.

    The Bible tells us God knew us BEFORE we were in the womb. (Jeremiah 1:5). Since God is no respecter of persons (Acts 10:34), Jeremiah 1:5 relates to all of humanity as well as to Jeremiah; including the FETUS. Anti-abortion groups are prevented by law in the US from trying to educate a prospective abortion patient. In fact those folks who do try are arrested. I don’t advocate the occasional violence of anti-abortion groups; however, they have the right and the responsibility to try to educate the young mother of what she really is going to do to that child.

  22. Today, people are fond of using gentle words to describe a specific object or episode. Furthermore, we use terms traditionally the opposite of what we mean. For example, we now use bad to mean good, hot to mean nice-looking or popular and crazy to mean wonderful. A few years ago bad meant undesirable, hot meant it will burn you, and crazy described something stupid.

    By calling an unborn offspring a fetus, the implication is that a human baby is not a human yet. One only need check the DNA of that child to know it is human despite the fact it has not breathed air. The medical profession doesn’t consider the child alive until it breathes air. What is the definition of life? Dictionaries tell us the distinction between life and non-living matter. Growth, reaction to stimuli, metabolism and ability to adjust to environment are some of the characteristics of life. All of these and more are exhibited by an infant inutero. Logic then requires we give a human fetus the dignity of being an unborn human child. There is no statement in the definition of life requiring breathing of air.
    One need only see the results of an ultrasonic procedure of an infant inutero to know the child reacts to stimuli. There are stills and actual movie video at this site at several different stages of fetal development. No more need be said of this.

  23. Occasionally the abortion botches and the baby is born alive despite the efforts to exterminate it. This is dealt with by allowing the baby to die of dehydration. It is not fathomable that even the pregnant mother by rape would elect to have this happen if she had been fully informed of the possibility prior to the procedure, much less the average teenage pregnant mom.

    The average proponent of abortion has no clue of the violence to the child and occasionally to the womb of the mother in these procedures. I refer you again to the aforementioned techniques of abortion procedures and to the sites listed below.

    This site is typical of the damage to a mother’s uterus in an abortion clinic where the emphasis is on making MONEY. Abortion Procedures are timed depending on the type of procedure to maximize the income to the clinic. Unfortunately, to meet the time constraints, sometimes accidents occur as in any other activity influenced by the pressure of time constraint. The difference is that the damage is to the living flesh of two human beings. There are literally millions of sites by pro-lifers, medical statistical agencies etc.

    The Bible tells us a nation that practices infanticide will not prosper. Is it possible our complacence in the issue of abortion is the cause of the worldwide economic situation? How much do we expect God to withstand before punishment is met out?

  24. Gods Way: March 23, 2010

    The past winter has been devastating worldwide. Tsunamis, earthquakes, flooding and traffic halting snowstorms have ravaged several countries. The economic front has also taken toll on hundreds of thousands of households.

    Parents have moved their grown children and families into the family home once again to allow a comfortable life for their unemployed adult children. Extended families are pooling their resources to weather this storm of economic crunch.

    Prior to the 1950’s, most families did live together as they are forced to do now. Small children had the advantage of mother, grandmother and great-grandmother attending to their various needs. They also had the guidance of father, grand-father and perhaps a great-grandfather guiding their psycho-social (which includes spiritual) upbringing. Further, children were included in most of the activities of the adults in their lives which often included extended family gatherings. Children knew they were loved and accepted by a great host of people.

    The family returning to its roots is a side effect of the present economic near crash. However, this is a blessing in disguise. There will be limited need for day care and pre-school for these wise families. Grandparents will read stories and play number or anatomy games with their precious grandbabies; that they may not have had the privilege of watching grow, on a routine basis, to the stage which they arrive at the root home. Children will be cared for by loving grand-parents of a time when family values were paramount. These children will be reared with love and respect for authority.

    Family members will once again learn to consider others’ feelings and needs in their choices of activities, expenditures and lifestyles. Many young people will cease doing that which makes their mothers’ cry. The next generation will be much more stable than the present one. The coming generation will be led back to God’s Way!

  25. There is an exciting new free e-book available from Trinity Graduate School by Rich Dixon. It's an anecdotal account of his tragic accident and recovery. Rich’s e-book is available at this site- The lively narrative is enjoyable and teaches a profound lesson to not give up.
    Rich speaks of a country named “Hopelessness” where far too many people dwell quite often. How many of us have been citizens, I wonder? Rich travelled a wild tortuous journey to vacate his lot. He escaped from the communistic “Hopelessness” by utilizing “God’s Way”. He emerged healthier and stronger in the Lord and in his body. His story is a Godsend to many of us who have been neighbors.

  26. Spring is the time for rebirth and redecorating. Many of us are busy planting our gardens and sprucing up our yards. Many more people are planting vegetable gardens as a way to lighten the burden of the current economic crunch. Even apartment dwellers are hanging tomato plants off their balconies. It’s a good thing for our wallets and our health.

    Most folks don’t realize the amount of toxins that go into our pre-packaged foods to give them longer shelf life. These poisons are legally utilized subject to the FDA and DOA. Some preservatives are not toxic by themselves but when they are subjected to other chemicals do produce toxins. Even our naturalistic supplements contain poisonous substances. Prescription drugs are not left out, either.

    Our vegetables and fruit are treated with toxic chemicals while they are growing, before they are shipped and sometimes after they have reached our grocer. Don’t trust the moniker “organically grown” to include not having been sprayed with toxic chemicals to deter plant parasites. Organically grown may suggest no poisons ever came into contact with that produce but doesn’t guaranteed it. Those of us who were raised on farms can tell you no truly organically grown fruit or vegetable will come into your home without scars from insect wounds. The blemishes do not lower the quality of the fruit contained therein. In fact the blemishes will tell you the fruit or vegetable probably was, in fact, organically grown-free of pesticide residue.

    Any of these websites will point out the dangerous toxins used in commercial food preservation and what dangers they present to a healthy human body. Can you imagine what greater devastation they can havoc on the chronically ill? There are literally millions of hits when you search for preservatives and/or food additives.

  27. In nursing school I did a research paper on food additives. Not only did I learn which foods to avoid but that the FDA allows the additives (including food colors) as long as there is NO research documentation to prove the additive dangerous. When one red dye was proven cancerous it was replaced with a red dye that HAD NOT BEEN TESTED. My research was done in 1976 and 1977. Food additive is sometimes a great misnomer. The fine line between food additive and toxic preservative can get muddled in some cases.

    There is one way to be absolutely sure of what is going into our bodies. It happens to be Biblical and therefore God’s Way. Grow it yourself! Even city folks can plant container gardens and community gardens in vacant lots. Fertilize with manure (de-scented if you prefer) available in every garden store. Use powdered sulfur for insect repellant which washes away and will not harm you anyways. Sulfur is what makes onions and garlic smell so poignant. If you prefer, instead of using sulfur powder, you can purchase live lady bugs and praying mantis’ at an upscale garden center. Unfortunately, they move on when the insects are cleared from your plants and are not always available live. Note that the sulfur powder would be lethal to your purchased bugs as well.

    There are so many how to garden sites on the net one can be very specific in their search as to whether you are container, in ground, or above ground gardening. Some soils are dangerously contaminated in which case an above ground (nice for the back) homebuilt garden plot can be the solution. I have seen larger container gardens in old bathtubs and sandboxes that do very well with drainage slots and earthworms added.

    If you do not use pesticides on your lawn, the clippings make great natural fertilizer called compost. Nearly all of the scraps from preparing a meal will add more nutrients to your humus compost product. Composting can be accomplished either in ground or in specific containers made for it. Worms help the composting process to happen much quicker. They can be purchased at any store which sells fishing bait for just a few pennies. The little red worms are the most active little critters and more tolerable to our eyesight.

    Checking with the online websites on how to grow specific garden plants will minimize lost crops. For example cabbage is a winter/early spring crop that will not work well in arid hot climates. There are differently bred plants for unique locations. Ask your friends who garden in your area; they will have a wealth of information to share with you. For the average new gardener, tomatoes are the easiest crop to begin with. Find out from your local garden shop or from your gardening neighbor which varieties grow best in your area. Beginning gardeners should purchase their tomato plants already growing about 6-8 inches tall, looking very green and healthy (thick stems and sturdy leaves). Tomato plants which have flowers and/or fruits showing do not transplant well. If you are going to leave it in the container it comes in then flowers and fruit are ok. They will need to be in at least a 5 gallon container in order not to become overly root bound, though.
    Your reward for a small amount of time and effort will be healthy and extremely tasty fruits and vegetables. Gather the very first ripe fruits and vegetables to be given away, thereby fulfilling God’s first fruits tithing command.

  28. Freedom-Free Spirit-Foolishness
    Does Freedom allow us to be promiscuous to the point of risking our and others‘lives? Promiscuity often leads to devastating and sometimes deadly STD’s, which extrapolates with the increasing number of casual encounters. Many states no longer require a pre nuptial blood test. Although, poetically love is blind, I rather doubt a lot of marriages would happen if a pre nuptial blood test indicated a deadly disease. Rightly so, a marriage partner found later to have a deadly STD not only infects their spouse but puts their future children at risk, as well!
    I know some young women who have made their bodies an artist’s canvas, so they say. One can have the best of degrees from the best of schools in the world but finding a position in their field is pretty much out of the question as soon as the Human Resources Officer meets their artwork. If one takes their humanity as lightly as allowing themselves to be decorated like a circus side show, why would one expect to secure employment in anything other than a circus? If you doubt me, get some fade away tats, apply them, put your hair style into something Gothic, wear an outfit that allows most or all of it to be seen … then go see how well that interviewer accepts your artwork. We are still a gender conscious world. What is acceptable for a male is not necessarily accepted in a female.
    What do the people who hold sensitive and appealing upscale positions wear? For the most part these people done suits and conservative hairstyles; no tats, no Mohawks and no fishnet hose. A professional person attempts to sell his credentials to a prospective employer; nothing else. Even if the hiring officer would like to hire you because your credentials are impeccable, he still has to deal with your faddish look AND its repercussions from his/her colleague on his character and/or professional judgment. Further, many companies specifically have policies against hiring a person with tats in a visible area. Tattoos, faddish apparel and/or makeup suggest a flamboyant lifestyle enmeshed with the drug culture.
    Although one has the freedom to wear tattoos, inappropriate clothing and Gothic hairstyles, one cannot expect to secure professional employment should they desire to do so. The employer has the sole freedom to choose what s/he wants to represent his/her company. Freedom and “free spirit” become foolishness!

  29. People often say God didn’t require a marriage ceremony for Adam and Eve so they see no reason to be legally married. Just because Genesis doesn’t say there was a marriage ceremony doesn’t mean it didn’t happen. The Lord spoke directly and physically to Adam and Eve. I’m sure He is quite capable of legally performing a marriage ceremony and no human law should dare to imply otherwise.

    The Bible encourages marriage in many places:

    Jeremiah 29:6 (NIV)
    6 Marry and have sons and daughters; find wives for your sons and give your daughters in marriage, so that they too may have sons and daughters. Increase in number there; do not decrease.

    Luke 17:27 (NIV)
    27 People were eating, drinking, marrying and being given in marriage up to the day Noah entered the ark. Then the flood came and destroyed them all.

    Luke 20:34 (NIV)
    34 Jesus replied, “The people of this age marry and are given in marriage.

    And, of course, we all know the story of Jesus’ first public miracle where He changed the water to wine at the wedding feast.

    When I speak of a marriage or wedding I am talking about one woman and one man sharing vows before God Almighty; The Creator of Heaven and Earth. I’ll not judge but the former is what the Bible (THE Word of God) defines a marriage as. I define a family as a married couple meeting the above definition and their progeny-HOWEVER they may attain that progeny; by conception, step children or adoption. Further, adoption can be either by legal methods or by taking a child into their home and into their hearts; raising that child as their own.
    There are some very prudent and practical reasons for a LEGAL BINDING MARRIAGE which can be administered by a religious leader or by civil administrators:
    The child acquires the legal name of the father (in most countries). This allows the child to become the heir of that father. In the US that means the child is eligible for Social Security benefits should the father pass on prior to the child attaining majority at 18 years of age. Although recent changes to laws will allow a child born out of wedlock to claim benefits, it takes a great deal of evidence to prove the child belonged to the deceased person. DNA may or may not be available for the deceased alleged father. In the case of no DNA evidence, getting benefits may be impossible.

  30. The child will not be tormented by other children for being fatherless. Children are notorious for finding another child’s vulnerability and using it against them. This is a particularly cruel ridicule to a child who is trying to find who he is. Children self judge who they are by identifying with their parents. Without one parent they are lacking a part of their identity.
    I don’t mean to say that children who have only one parent will not grow into a valid productive and happy adult. I AM saying it will be a much harder path. As an adoptive mother, I can share with you how important it was for our adopted children to find and meet their birth parents. Each child who was able to meet their birth parents had an instant relief at knowing where they came from, that their birth parents love them and where they got their eye color etc.
    The child inherits extended families on both sides of the parental ‘tree’. Children who are loved and nurtured by many people are more secure with better self esteem. The emotional support which comes from grandparents, aunts’ uncles and cousins can make a world of difference in how a child visualizes him or herself. Although children born out of wedlock are not shunned as they were 30 years ago, they still have to deal with a more covert version of negative self worth.
    We parents, have the responsibility to raise our children to be responsible productive adults. How can we do that if we don’t nurture our children in a loving whole family unit?

  31. Computer chip implants are here-Mark of The Beast? No longer just for animals, we know the individual, whether human or not, can be tracked anywhere on the planet; it’s done by satellite. Military has a tracking chip in the current military identification card. The soldier interviewed believes it’s for his safety so he can be located on separation from his unit.
    Implants, of any kid, are an invasion of the body! Implants which track one’s movements and personal information are an invasion of privacy and our American constitutional rights, in addition. Further, for a Christian, it could turn out to be the ultimate destruction of your spirit and soul.
    The interview was unplanned; I noticed a gold three dimensional thing in the middle of his ID card. I asked out of curiosity. His explanation was the above. I further asked would he allow the new chips to be inserted into his body since I recently read the military is starting to do just that with new recruits. He confirmed he had of it and he belonged to ‘Uncle Sam’ so what Uncle Sam requires- he would do.
    I have a vested interest in this particular soldier, since he is MY youngest son. I reminded him by his constitutional rights he doesn’t have to submit to such a thing. We discussed revelations, one more time, concerning the mark of the beast, and how such a thing was an infringement on his right to freedom of religion. He remarked his sergeant told them NOT to worry it’s NOT the Mark of The Beast. Continuing he said, if it will provide safety for he and his battle buddies, he’s all for it. I asked him to re-read Revelations and the parable of the Sheep in Wolves’ Clothing and prayed a LOT.
    This site says the chip is for tracking your medical records: allergies, diagnosis/es etc.
    This site explains what kinds of misuse could be done with a simple tracking chip.
    This Wikipedia site discusses the growth of an implant chip company, it’s decline and it’s present endeavors.
    This site relates experimenting with computer chips on pre-schoolers in California. At lease they are NOT implanted in the student’s body.
    A simple search for: computer chips for tracking human beings brings up thousands of hits…you decide!

  32. The topic this week is marriage; my husband and I have just celebrated our 34th anniversary. Several people commented on the longevity of our marriage, some positively and some negatively. The younger people were amazed anyone could be together “that long”. It saddened me to think these people don’t have a clue that a couple is supposed to be together for life, barring violence and emotional abuse-spousal and/or children and infidelity.

    God made Adam and Eve and put them in the Garden of Eden as a couple. According to His Word, The Bible, they remained that way for life. In those days a lifetime of people was far greater than today. The thoughtful and casual observer can conclude that’s the way HE wants it.

    In later centuries man decided one ‘Eve’ was not enough, so man invented the harem. God allowed it for His purposes… but note it was NOT His idea! Still, the children of the first wife were the legal heirs, unless there were no heirs from the first wife, then the second, et al on down the line. Historically, there has been a lot of bad blood because of the need of man to have power- especially in the houses of royalty; which has lead to murder of brother on brother, son on father, even son to mother!
    The list goes on and on.

    More than just the couple is at stake with a divorce, even grown children are affected. In the case of infidelity, God approves, , and many other sites annotate the scriptures which allow divorce (and remarriage) on grounds of adultery. Violence and emotional abuse are not mentioned as reasonable grounds for divorce in the Bible.

    The family may separate for safety, without being out of God’s Will. However, divorce is not condoned in this instance (however, sin will be pardoned by God when you ask it and repent of error-except in the case of blaspheming the Holy Ghost). It is necessary for the couple to remain celibate of others while separated; the same as if they were still with their married partner or as Jesus says, as recorded in Matthew, they will be guilty of adultery. One never knows, after the abusive spouse gets some counseling and has a change of heart, reconciliation might be possible-allowing the family to be complete again, in God’s Love.

    Marriage is a LIFETIME commitment to one another and to the family that couple produces. It’s NOT easy most of the time but it IS possible. The next time you’re out observe an elderly couple. Look for the love and cherishment in their eyes as they gaze at one another. It’s the most precious gift from God to grow old with your first love.

  33. Perseverance is an achievement most people think is a cardinal virtue. For some folks, it seems they are born with this gift, for others -author included, it’s something we have to avidly work at to gain. I am always amazed at those folks who have perseverance conquered. They are the students who work steadily to a goal and actually plan out their time and stair steps to reach that goal. They have study schedules set up well in advance of finals week and stick to them. Then-there are the rest of us who attempt to juggle a complex life with academia.

    Most of us have perseverance when it comes to raising our children. We have definite goals for our kids’ education and moral development. We also persevere to make our marriage ‘work’. Economical and academic disciplines are approached as the proverbial ‘flying by the seat of our pants’. Although it worked out, a great deal of stress could have been avoided, so my children tell me, if we had planned our lives in advance and persevered! Having recently celebrated our 34th wedding anniversary, believe me, we know how to persevere. However, we are not looking to be the world’s newest millionaires anymore.

    Despite being in the ‘rest of us’ class, we have three sons who pulled it out of nowhere or were born with it- MAJOR perseverance. They know exactly which year they will graduate with their PhD’s. They have their schedules worked out for the next 5 years –I’m not kidding; even their marriages-and time to have children is scheduled. It only took me 23 years to earn a graduate degree. In order for them to successfully fit kids into their exact schedule there will have to be some super birth control which is not yet available, but what do I know? Scheduling children didn’t occur to me either; I lazily left it in God’s hands. God neither asks my permission nor does He calculate His timing with mine when He decides we should have another child-seven of our children are adopted. The Lord presented them and we accepted them on HIS schedule, then we persevered in raising them.

    I really think this is a left brained thing which right brained people, like me, find absolutely imprisoning. We have so many interests in life: painting, sculpting, pottery making, musical instruments, singing, church projects, school projects, boy scouts, girl scouts, on and on. Distraction is the enemy of perseverance. We all fall victim to it but some of us more often than others. It’s not that we don’t want to persevere in achieving goals, we do, but more that priorities have to be established and PERSEVERED! Our children’s health and welfare take priority to all except our Lord. I’m persevering in all three areas.

  34. Christmas is almost here, again. The Christ’s birthday-or at least the day we honor as His birthday. People are happy and cheerful-or are they? Today we went to the grocery store to pick up milk and bread and drove into the worst traffic I have ever seen in Scottsdale.

    Scottsdale drivers are the worst drivers we’ve ever encountered in our adult lives. My husband said they are worse than Tokyo drivers, since I have never been to Tokyo I must take his word on that but I do know my husband of nearly ½ a century. He was deadly serious when he made that remark.

    We tend not to go out during heavy traffic hours of the day but it’s nearly Christmas so the streets are bristling with traffic akin to a mudslide gushing down a sun-baked arroyo at all hours. People who live in Scottsdale either grasp the meaning of defensive driving, move back home or end up damaged and sometimes dead. Add the stress of Christmas shoppers, the commuters and the tipsy party animals to the already besieged roadways- the concoction becomes a deadly recipe.

    Christmas is not mentioned in the Bible, per se. We have the story of where The Christ was born, who was there and who his mother and step father was-and who was not invited-Herod. Christmas is NOT a Jewish holiday so we don’t have any God given rules on how it should be observed. However, we ARE celebrating the birth of the only begotten son of God.

    Love, merriment with family and friends, generosity and peace are the virtuous ideals we try to convey in The Christ’s Name. I would like to think road rage is NOT one of those virtues. It takes less time to be a courteous driver than to jump out of your car and start screaming at the folks in front of or behind you. It’s a lot less dangerous too!

    It’s hard for our children to grasp the sentiments of Christmas if mom and dad are cussing out the window at some little old lady going a bit too slow or screaming profanities at someone trying to get across the street with a conventional (no motor attached) wheelchair. God forgive the hot headed volatile tongues and automobile horn pounders when a person is trying to walk across the street!

    Can we please, for at least this month, try to be understanding, accepting and loving in our highway dialogues? Can we let our children see this is the anniversary of the most important event in history. Because it is such, we are full of love, tenderness and generosity. Merry Christmas to all.

  35. Happy Birthday Jesus!

    The Christ is the reason Christmas is celebrated today, not the little fatman in red. "Santa Claus" is a fictional character and makes a cute but very WRONG impression of the true Christmas Story.

    Why is it that we didn't plaster nativity scenes all over the commercial billboards instead of that short fat man in the red suit.

    Every one loves babies, The Christ came to us as a babe, probably not on December 25th; but when we don't know the exact date, does it really matter which date we choose to honor Him?

    We share the love and kindness to one another which Christ extends to us. We give each other gifts as an extension of Christ's birthday celebration.

    Over the last century+ marketing experts have blown the birthday celebration of Christ into a commercial fiasco. Many people today stress so greatly through the holidays they just can hardly wait to get through them. How sad, all the joy of His birthday celebration is essentially lost!

    As we all know, the economy has been pretty tight for the past 2.5 years. This Christmas saw a return to reasonable spending with much thought, time and effort put to choosing gifts for our loved ones.

    Although the usual volume of gifts was reduced, people in many families are commenting on the news how very pleased they are with the personably selected gifts they received.

    Young adults have chosen to give practical gifts (such as coats and hats) and the receiver is elated. This is an enormous change from 5 years ago, when the young adults were interested in primarily expensive gold and diamond jewelry or high end electronic aids.

    In the Phoenix Metroplex, the teenagers are playing a rather cold-hearted scavenger hunt game; a baby 'Jesus' from an outdoor manger scene is on the list.

    More than a dozen manger infants have disappeared from a variety of Nativity scenes. Sadly, the merchants and churches are placing tracking chips in the manger pieces.

    KIDS are going to jail over silly pranks. Yes it is wrong to damage or take another's property...but to go to JAIL over a prank that actually causes no harm to anyone is foolish.

    Folks have some Cristmas spirit, follow the signal to the home and alert the parents, get your baby Jesus and offer the kid an alternative, like working in a homeless shelter for a couple of weeks rather than giving a kid a record for childish pranks.

    Christmas is about Christ, Christ is love, except for the latter development, the earth seems to be returning to at least the spirit of the Christmas season. I call on our merchants and ministers to make it 100%!

  36. GodsWay Blog 1-10-11:
    Saturday -January 8, 2011 was a horrific day for Arizona. Tucson, Arizona will never be the same. A crazed young man opened up fire on Representative Gabrielle Giffords wounding her severely; killing six others-including a nine year old girl and a court Justice. Several people were wounded. The same feeling is invoked in us as 9-11, the several school shootings and the Kennedy assassinations.

    Apparently it is no longer safe for our local elected officials to appear in public without a posse of bodyguards. Although the internet is a wealth of information, it will be sad to only get to ‘know’ our representatives via their websites and social pages. There is already much discussion all over the net to this end.

    Tucson, Arizona is in the United States of America-the greatest country in today’s world. The man’s websites indicate he didn’t agree with how America is today. Many of us are not pleased with the current trends of anti-Christian, anti-elderly, anti-Hispanic etc. However, one would think even this man would uphold one of our greatest freedoms---freedom of speech.

    No one blocked Jared L. Loughner’s web pages. In this author’s opinion, the sites show an extremely distraught young mind BUT no one stopped him from voicing what he felt. By our US Constitution he has the right to say as he pleases! Why did Loughner not afford the same respect to Giffords? Instead he acted, deliberately, in the most unlawful way to close the mouth of Gabrielle Giffords. Even worse, he murdered 6 others in the attempt on her life.

    Loughner’s life is over; he will never have a career that might have changed America for the better. He has murdered people who might also have made similar strides. This is Arizona, if proven guilty he will either spend the rest of his life in prison or his life will be cut short. No longer does insanity protect one from the death penalty. If one does know right from wrong, insanity is irrelevant. This horrendous act is heard worldwide; there is no place on earth Loughner can get a fair trial. That he IS guilty is apparent. He was caught in the act by several people. One woman, it’s reported, was able to stop him from reloading his weapon while several standers-by wrestled him to the ground.

    We have the bodies, we have the weapon, we have the perpetrator and dozens of eye witnesses. His life is over. How horribly sad this is for everyone involved; the families, the constituents, as well as every citizen of AZ. America is looking less and less like the world’s Promised Land. We are becoming a police state because of instances such as this one.

    Times such as this should motivate all of us to return to God as a NATION!

  37. Today a fellow student of TGSAT brought something to my attention, indirectly. He was discussing teaching young Christians how to study the Bible, in depth and with a purpose. As new Christians, we had a great deal of help and encouragement from our ‘elders’ within our local congregations. We probably can’t thank them enough for the service they provided us-usually volunteering to do so.

    Having been a teacher I am aware of the enormous amount of time necessary to prepare for a class. For a Bible Study class, of any level, I should think more than the normal amount of time in the preparation to delivery ratio is required. Since Bible Study teachers are responsible to a substantially higher power than a principal, dean or president of a school system they need to be ever so careful in lesson prep. With that said, I had not thought of verbalizing my thanks for their diligence in duty- until today.

    This author is going on record today to officially thank all the instructors in my life for all their hard work and caring efforts. May God bless you all as richly as you have blessed me.

  38. Ma'am, this is a great site. I appreciate your posts. May the Lord continue to use you through writing to reach many with His truths, and His TRUTH.

    Jerry Smith

  39. I apologize for not having been here for the past year+. I didn't even know anyone was reading this blog. Thank you for your support and kind words.

  40. Although it has taken me nearly three years to complete, I am about to finish the masters phase of Biblical Archaeology at TGSAT;

    I have 6.7 modules left to complete and I must package up my practical work.

    TGSAT is designed to help educate third world country students who would otherwise have no access to such. There are a few of us who are from developed countries. We pay a small fee but no tuition. That fee is then used to sponsor a third world student who cannot pay. Those students' minds are not lost because of poverty!

    The quality of the course content is tough but enriching and most interesting. TGSAT is ICAATS accredited (

    TGSAT offers a variety of disciplines with a Biblical basis; archaeology, eduation, as well as theology. It also provides a forum website for students and teachers to pose questions and encouage academic discussion. Anyone can view the discussion but enrollment is necessary to join the discussons.

    If you cannot afford to pay a fee talk to Dr Philip,Presdent, he can help. We need to educate Christian leaders in these troubled times.

    If you are a retired educator, please consider helping our staff. All the staff and faculty are volunteers with at least one (but most many) advanced degrees.

    Many of the volunteers have day jobs so their time with TGSAT is limited. More volunteer educators and ancillary staff means more students can be accomodated. TGSAT enrollment is in the thousands while the staff is limited! If God places it on your heart to help, please contact Dr Johnson Philip through the main TGSAT at my name, Thank you, Deedy
