God's Way is taught in His Word which we call The Holy Bible. It is neither added to nor detracted from that which is written in the books of the Bible. God is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow.
Many denominations of Christians have authored their own religious volumes to augment the Bible. The Word of God needs neither help nor explanation from man. The Bible is written in such a way even a child can read and understand what is written. It is our duty to learn God's Word and employ it's code of ethics and morality.
Problems arise when we try to read between the lines of the Bible. Scripture twisting, comprised of a variety of tactics, tries to bend God's Word into what we want it to say. Every verse should be interpreted in light of it's whole context within the chapter/book; not necessarily as a single sentence/paragraph.
I believe the Bible is the Holy Spirit inspired Word of God and as such is infallible. At the very least the morals and ethical commands adhered to for thousands of years yield better citizens for the most part.
Yes some folks did twist scripture to inflict vicious crimes on others. However, the majority of the people and societies who adhered strictly to God's Word were the light of the world as they were chosen to be. They were happy and obedient to God.
If everyone would follow the laws God laid down eons ago, we would not have a degenerating society worldwide. Our streets have become warzones in drug trafficing and use. Children are being raised by grandparents and great-grandparents because the parents are either strung out or in jail. Many kids are being raised by strangers in the social services system because there are no fit relatives to provide for them.
I don't blame all the worlds ills on drugs. The drug thing is one more symptom of the problem. The problem being that people want to deny God's existence, as well as His commandments. They want to do whatever makes them feel good.
Drugs, including overuse of alcohol, only postpones the problem an individual may feel they have. Further, it compounds the problem by dulling inhibitions leading the individual to sin which often results in more little people who are exposed to drugs and often have brain damage.
It is said to ignore the past binds one to repeat histories mistakes. In every society which God has allowed to be destroyed, certain trends appear almost in the same order: the break up of the family unit, adulteries in a myriad of forms, and the resultant societal degeneration.
How close is the United States to destruction? We must return to God's Way immediately or be obliterated as the Romans, Persians et al before us. Our educational sytems must teach Godly morals and ethics from pre-school to grad school. Most everyone knows the Ten Commandments even if they are not Christians. Rarely has anyone commented they are not useful but the same folks refuse to adhere to them.