Sunday, December 23, 2012


Spirituality is communing with our Creator. That is what most people call praying. But there's more to communion than merely talking to God. We need to hear what God is telling us in answer to our prayers. The majority of the world will celebrate the birth of Christ in two days. It’s hard to celebrate when our hearts are heavy with the sadness of the destruction and death taking place in so many parts of the world. Many of us have sons and daughters in peril at this very moment. I wonder if any of the world leaders involved in these war fronts have bothered to ask their Creator if they should do this. And, if they did so, did they wait for an answer? It is hard to understand why a loving God would desire the horrible decimation of innocent civilians. War is not only deadly to the soldiers but also to the innocent; especially infants and children. This search page will enlighten you, if nothing else:;_ylt=Apx6QNgAbFSiJlAKnHEPv6GbvZx4?fr=fp-yie9-s&toggle=1&cop=mss&ei=UTF-8&p=civilian%20casualties%20iraq What is worse than the death of the innocents? This search page contains links to articles answering that question.;_ylt=A0oGdUhDbddQQ24Ah3xXNyoA?p=aftermath%20of%20depleted%20plutonium%20ammunition%20in%20Iraq&fr2=sb-top&fr=fp-yie9-s The Creator of all humanity is one being. As any parent, The Creator only wants His children to live happily and prosper. It is humanity which is never content with what we are given; greed! This war was originally begun in response to the September 11, 2001 Twin Towers attack. It has escalated into two objectives: control and oil. The western world wants control of the Middle East to regulate the distribution of its oil. The book of Revelations points out the last Great War on this planet will be over the oil! When I was young oil was interpreted as olive oil but the earliest known copies of Revelations do not read olive oil; they say oil. According to scripture this war becomes so horrific Christ must come back to stop it. Many people believe Christ coming back means the end of the world. That is not what the Bible says. Christ ends the war and rules on earth for a thousand years. During that time to come, there will be peace and prosperity. Our Creator wishes to know each one of us from our spiritual heart. This is a good time of year to spend some time letting Him into our hearts. True communion with our Creator happens when we bare our innermost thoughts to our Creator and we hear His answers to our pleas.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Joseph (Imhotep?) The author (Jonathan Gray) gives several convincing, still existing, scripts and tours of buildings which align with the Biblical account of Joseph. His granaries, his tomb with an empty coffin, his hospital and inscriptions by Pharaoh Djoser, himself. One script tells of the seven years of famine and plenty but they are backwards to the Biblical account. Perhaps this was a mistake by the artists or it was misread by contemporary scholars?!? Gray suggests Im could be a precursor of I AM since Hotep means ‘the voice (or mouthpiece) of’. He extrapolates his theory by noting the carefully selected words of Moses to Pharaoh; Pharaoh would know Moses had spoken to the one God of Joseph by the selection of words in reference to Imhotep. Gray gives directly applicable scriptures to back his theory. Whether it is correct or not is hard to say but he certainly gives a very learned and convincing argument. Scholars, today, are split in their decision as to whether Imhotep was the Biblical Joseph for a variety of reasons; notwithstanding some of them have a desire to paint the Bible as one big myth. Christians, Jews and Arabs should think of these people as ‘pawns of the enemy’. There is so much evidence, including an empty coffin dedicated to Joseph pointing north towards Judea, many will see this movie and believe.